March 14, 2018 dev

Come Meet Akupara Games at GDC 2018

If there is one place to find all of the developers in the industry making new friendships, rekindling the old, and overall having a great time, it’ll be in San Francisco, CA from March 19 to March 23 at the Game Developers Conference. There will be over 26,000 attendees with over 500 lectures, panels, tutorials, and round table discussions on what’s the hot and upcoming news is within the gaming industry.



In attending GDC, Akupara hopes to network and socialize with all those in the gaming industry and enjoy the company of those who understand the struggles and successes of being a dev. The Game Developers Conference is the largest annual gathering of professional video game developers, focusing on learning, inspiration, and networking.


If you are going to GDC and would like to set up a time to grab drinks, hang out, and maybe even challenge the team to a contest, contact David Logan at