June 26, 2019 dev

Meet the Team: Rob Clifford

Name: Rob Clifford
Job Title: Programmer
DnD Class: Rogue
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Pokemon Go Team: Instinct
Empire or Rebellion: Rebellion
Turtle: Michaelangelo



When did you first get started in games and how?
My actual earliest experiences with games were when I was too young to remember, watching my older brother play his SNES. He was and is really into comics and games and all the good geek stuff, so naturally I was into the same things. I’d say that the first really notable game experience I had was getting my own game system when the sega Genesis came out, with the copy of Sonic the Hedgehog that I still have.


How did you first get started in the game industry?
I knew for sure that I wanted to make games probably when I was in the 7th grade or so. I took all of the computer related art and programming classes that my high school offered, and my first “game” was a virtaul tour of my school that I did as an Independant Study project senior year.


Where do you draw inspiration from?
I think for me, the biggest thing is always to try new things and to learn as much as I can, in game dev but also just in life in general. Making games in particular I think benefits from that approach, because the more experiences you have, the more you know about what makes something feel the way that it does, whether that’s fun and adventurous or spooky and thrilling. I believe that gives you a more well rounded lens through which to make decisions about what games should be like.


What is your favorite video game or series?
I’d say that my favorite video game is probably Stardew Valley, just because I don’t think I’ve ever gotten as sucked into a game before or since. And series would be Halo, it was the first game I played online and no joke that definitely changed my life.


What is your favorite tabletop game?
Probably Risk Legacy, that game resulted in some really emotional arguments for my friends and I.


If Akupara could partner with any person, who would you want to work with?
My wife Jen, she’s one of the most creative people I know, and also just an incredible partner.


What is your proudest accomplishment with Akupara?
Well I only started at Akupara a week ago, but I would say that I’m proud of myself for making the grade and getting hired in the first place. The game industry can be tough, and anytime someone says they pick you it’s a tremendous feeling, expecially when it’s a group of kind and well respected folks like this.

Check out our other Meet the Team blogs here. You can feel free to follow Rob on twitter here. And as always if you want to connect with Rob or any other member of the Akupara team, join the Akupara Discord!

One response to “Meet the Team: Rob Clifford”

  1. […] game basically can’t run on the SNES,” programmer Rob Clifford sweats profusely as he informs me in an off-the-record meeting. “I don’t really know what […]